Axes Group Parameters

Boolean Parameters

This is a list of Boolean parameters currently supported.

These parameters are read and written by the function blocks MC_GrpReadBoolPar and MC_GrpWriteBoolPar.

Parameter ID Name R/W Description


1000 Ignore Axis EStop Read/Write
  • Controls whether the axes group continues performing motion if one of the member axes is experiencing an Estop.
  • FALSE indicates the axes group should enter an Estop state if a member axis enters the Estop state.
  • TRUE indicates the axes group should continue performing motion.


1001 Axis EStop Active Read Only
  • This Read-only parameter is TRUE whenever an axis in the group is experiencing an axis Estop Error.
  • When there are no axis Estop Errors present on the axes in a group, this parameter is FALSE.

Boolean Parameters

This is a list of non-Boolean parameters currently supported.

These parameters are read and written by the function blocks MC_GrpReadParam and MC_GrpWriteParam.

Parameter ID Name R/W Description



Command Velocity
